Wait for a function if it returns a promise (but you're not sure it does)
If you are working on an npm module, a library or a plugin system, there is times where might want to call a function without being sur it returns a promise or not. Here is an example that may help you achieve what you want :
const returnsAPromise = () => Promise.resolve();
const returnsARejectedPromise = () => Promise.reject(`Error !`);
const returnsOne = () => 1;
const asyncFunction = async (unknwnFunction) => {
await returnsAPromise();
// obvioulsy that passes
try { await returnsARejectedPromise() }
catch (e) {
// obviously that fails...
console.log(`Of course that failed :`, e);
// now...
const one = await returnsOne();
// thats fine and one === 1
console.log(`I waited a regular function, one = ${one}`);
// So it means that if we dont know if a function returns a promise
// or just a value
// we can just
const result = await unknwnFunction();
// it is usefull when you are, for example,
// programmig an npm module and the function you call is
// provided by the user
console.log(`unknownFunction returned (wrapped in a promise or not): ${result}`);
const regularFunction = (unknwnFunction) => {
// if we are not in a async function, we can also do :
return Promise.resolve(unknwnFunction())
.then(result => {
console.log(`whatever unknownFunction returned : `, result);
.then(() => {
// and yes, it would work even if the function fails :
return Promise.resolve(returnsARejectedPromise());
.catch(err => {
// this code is executed
console.error(`It failed :`, err);
asyncFunction(() => `Hi there !`)
.then(() => regularFunction(() => `Hello ladies !`))